Pilot Custom 74 with Robert Oster Fire & Ice.
So I started this blog because I have so much I want to write about, but as you can see I haven’t updated it in a while. The reason isn’t actually because I haven’t written anything, because I have actually written quite a lot! That may sound strange but let me explain. I write with pen and paper and the problem has been how to quickly transfer the text into digital form. Also we have had the hottest summer in 260 years in Sweden, so I really haven’t felt super excited to sit down with a computer in the sun.
But that ends now as I’ve found an okay way to transfer the texts and I still want to share my thought about so many things, especially my growing pen interest. There will however probably won’t be as many updates as I started out doing as I still mostly do this for myself and some things feel “done” when I have written them down in analog form.
The plan now is to write one post per week at least, but maybe more. It all will be decided on how fast I can transfer the analog posts into digital form.